Refund and Returns Policy

  1. If you have made the payment and we cancelled the order than you will be refunded the full amount.
  2. If you made order and payment but we did not not start the processing even after verifying the status of your payment than if the status of order has not been updated to processing after 7 days you can cancel the order and we will refund the amount. (This applies to e-commerce store only).
  3. If you made the payment by mistake or incorrect amount or twice than after verifying the received amount we will refund it but you will have to contact us through chat.
  4. If You made the order of incorrect item and made the payment but later Realized that you have ordered wrong product then come to chat so we can fix the issue. Make sure that the item has noit been shipped because once item has been shipped we can not do much.
  5. For any item that we manufactured specially for you, branded for you, customized for you can not be cancelled once in processing. and we won’t be able to provide refunds or returns.
  6. We do not accept returns but in some case we may do such as we shipped wrong product.
  7. If the customer is our regular customer and has history to multiple order without issues we may accept returns from such customer (shipping charges will be paid by the customer)
  8. If a customer/company/business made a purchase using our e-commerce store and want to cancel, make changes to order, add any other item to order, change the quantity e.t.c. they can do by contacting us through chat or email. Provide us the order number. (orders can been cancelled only before we start processing, while other options such as change in quantity is open until we have not shipped the item as we can not make any changes once the package has been shipped.

Golden Rules.

  1. While ordering Make sure you know what you are ordering.
  2. Make sure you are aware of Laws and are permitted to import an item/product to your country because due to any Law of your Government/State/Customs your item may be stopped/Confiscated/penalized or may require your physical presence in front of authorities.
    Normally Government/State/Customs Website can help you with the material you may require for this purpose or you can check on social media pages for information.
  3. We recommend that buyer/Customer should have his own courier/Shipping Company from which he/she holds account. If a customer/buyer has his/her own Partner Courier Company / Shipping company he/she will have more control after we have handed the package to the courier / shipping company. (This step is not necessary as if a buyer/customer does not have any partner shipping/Courier company we will send package with any suitable company/Agence and provide a tracking number to customer/buyer while charging any fees Separately from Product / order Quotation.
  4. For Bulk order we recommend cargo as it will be cheaper for most countries. But if the Customer needs the order as early as possible then we recommend services like DHL, FedEx eTC.

We are updating these Regularly. Some point will be added later.

Contact us at {email} for questions related to refunds and returns.

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