
Q: Do you have legal documentation to export the items that you Manufacture and Supply?
Ans: Yes, We do have all the required documents.

Q: Legal Long term Contract?
Ans: There is no need for any contract for ordering. All you need to know and understand are the terms and condition.

Q: Illegal Items?
Ans: We do not manufacturer and supply illegal items. (In some countries even some regular use items are considered illegal in this case customer should know what he can import)

Q: Privacy Policy?
Ans: We do have Privacy Policy which can be read on our privacy policy.

Q: Cookies?
Ans: By using our website some Browser cookies are stored on you Device. These cookies are used for cache our website to increase performance, maintain any login in data and helps us figure out when you access our website to provide you better service. Without these cookies we can not provide you Good Experience through our online services.

Q: Third Party Services and Policies?
Ans: Our website uses many other software products that are developed and managed by different third party companies to provide you with best experience. There policies links should be listed on our website which you can use to read all about them.
Our website heavily relies on Google Services as a result most of google polices also apply and you should read them.

Q: Secure website?
Ans: Our website passes most security test and we try to maintain secure access for all our customer. Our website is also protected by difference security software companies.

Q: Child Labor?
Ans: We do not have Child Labor and we are in main city where Government authorities check and so in that whole area there is Less likely to be any one having Child Labor. We also do not Encourage to have anyone other than professional workers.

Q: Why I am seeing an “You are blocked” message?
Ans: It may not be you who is block but your Ip may be blocked. The reason behind this message is usually your ip or set of ips from your country were used to Brute force or attack some kind to virus/Malware attack on our website due to which the IP or Ips are blocked and you are seeing that message.

In this case you should reach us on other methods such as whatsApp or Telegram.

Q: Virus and Malware?
Ans: We do scan our servers and website for any possible thread. We try to maintain virus and malware free website.

Q: Defective or Damaged product?
Ans: We check all items before shipping to you but incase a item get damages or defective items gets to you let us know within 7 days of delivery. We may sent you replacement for detective piece or may make some price adjustment in your next order. If the whole package is damaged than we can not do any thing us it was Damaged during shipment which is not covered in FOB and for security against this possibility customer should use CIF. The possibility of the item getting damaged during shipping is very Less likely (Less than 10 percent). CIF is more costly than FOB but for customer that live in areas where shipment companies do not provide Good services than customer may choose CIF.

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