
This page provides you information on how to resolve your issues or How to contact us related to a product you have purchased from us.

You can email us or chat with us on any of the Social Platform mentioned below:

You can email us on: [email protected]

On any of Chats APPs such as WhatsApp, Telegram in the first line mention the Product name and order number so we can provide you better support. (Kindly try to keep your Message clear and provide any details such as reference to your issue is simple working and sentences so we can solve your issues as quickly as possible.

On chat Apps Kindly send only one Message with first line containing your order / Product name or details. After this line write your issue with order / Product. We try to respond as soon as possible.

Call support service is not available. Calling is not available because of many reason. Such as Time zone difference and Network issues. We are working on to provide you this service in the near future.

Contact us on Social Media

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